Monday 11 July 2016

Here’s how the Homework Module of PenPencilEraser works and assists!

Homework & Assignments: Assign, Track, Attach, Comment, Notify, Approve & much more.

Homework is the key to student success in academics and more effectively it engages the free time of the students and after school hours. The undeniable fact is that each of the school be it any boards does implement some kind of home study and they do have incorporated a strategic application of additional learning.
The quiet known fact is that it does not end here and it extends to evaluation and grading. So, doubtlessly homework are meaningful integration in schools and they do require some kind of management to handle for deliberate success.
The homework is a strategy which is relevant to the students, teachers and parents. All academicians will generate the schedule for homework and it calls for high professionalism. All the more it is an everyday task which might required keen attention. Try and ask the impact of homework among the stakeholders. It is definitely time consuming in evaluation says the teachers. More research and help required tells the student of higher grades.
Just as an observer would you not wish to think of some kind of automation. Wow! That will definitely work over the simplicity of handling homework.
Homework module in school management software:
In the recent days the added element in schools are the effective school management software. Just get keen over how it works with the software PenPencilEraser.
For Teachers
The faculty member add up the homework for their students prescribing the homework details.
  • Subjects mentioned
  • Homework details
  • Issue date and Deadline date
  • If required the dates can be set in any required date both past and future.
  • Attachments
  • Choice of students – either the complete class or the selective students.
  • Alert through the SMS either student, parent or both.
What more? It’s a great go for any teacher to handle the homework in a single form with the ultimate user friendly software.
For Parents & Students
Instantaneous for the parents to get the details of their child homework in the dedicated parents portal with the secured login.
  • Check the details of the homework for the prescribed day.
  • Download the attachments sent by the faculty.
  • Look for the details in any past dates.
  • Clarify instantly to communicate with the teachers.
  • Check all the homework and update the completion status.
  • Message to the related teachers for the queries.
For Teachers & Academicians
Review of homework which is the vital part for the student performance.
Teachers can view the homework status and can filter by the ‘Completed homework’ & ‘Pending Homework’. This status review helps them to generate an instant comment over the message or intimation to have it completed. These reminders serve as time saving techniques for schools.


Perfectly designed to meet the overall expectations of the schools and hence they can totally rely on the student performance and academic achievements.
As a reader if you belong to a school, we wish to serve you full-fledged and you may request us for a demo anytime

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